Getting married at Gloria Dei Episcopal Church Palenville, New York As part of our ministry to the community, Gloria Dei offers the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony as it is practiced in the Episcopal Church. At least one party to the marriage must be a baptized Christian. First-time or widowed applicants need not be members of Gloria Dei or even of the Episcopal Church. We recognize Baptism as administered by all Christian denominations. It is our hope, of course, that you will want to become a part of our congregation and begin your married life within our fellowship. What else is required? You must contact the Priest at least thirty days before a proposed wedding date. Ninety days is better. You must sign a statement to the effect that you are seeking what the Episcopal Church has to offer: Declaration of Intention: We, desiring to receive the blessing of Holy Matrimony in the Church, do solemnly declare that we hold marriage to be a lifelong union of two persons as it is set forth in the liturgical forms authorized by this Church. We believe that marriage is intended by God for our mutual joy, for the encouragement and support given one another in daily life and changing circumstances, for the deepening of faith as we experience God’s love in our love for one another, and (if it may be) the physical and spiritual nurture of children. We believe such relationships are nurtured and characterized by fidelity, monogamy, mutual affection and respect, careful, honest communication, and the holy love which enables those in such relationships to see in each other the image of God. And we do engage ourselves, so far as in us lies, to make our utmost effort to establish this relationship and to seek God’s help thereto. The wedding service will be from the Book of Common Prayer, (Pages 422-438) and various other liturgical forms authorized by the Episcopal Church, which offer considerable latitude in planning things the way you want them. You must make yourselves available for pre-marital counseling, which will generally dove-tail with the planning. You must, of course, comply with all legal requirements of the State of New York. Who will officiate? It is the prerogative of the Priest in charge of Gloria Dei to officiate at all services held in the Church. It is the prerogative of the organist to play at all services held in the Church. If you have a close friend or family member who is a cleric or musician we can discuss how we can incorporate their ministry into your service. Family and friends, especially members of the wedding party, are invited to perform those functions (readings, prayers) that are normally assigned to lay people in the worship of the Episcopal 407Church. Weddings are offered as an integral part of the total ministry of our congregation. Gloria Dei is not available as a wedding chapel. What if I am divorced? Remarriage of divorced persons in the Episcopal Church is not impossible but is available only to members in good standing (at the time of the wedding) and requires the consent of the Bishop. Normally this is negotiated between the Priest and the Bishop, unless someone has been divorced more than once. The Bishop will want the priest to provide satisfactory answers to questions about the failure of the previous marriage, including attempts at reconciliation; concern for the welfare of the former spouse and any children of the marriage; the strengths and weaknesses of the present relationship, and the relationship of the couple to Jesus Christ and His Church. Considerably more advance notice is required for this process to unfold. The priest must submit the request for consent to the Bishop 90 days before the proposed wedding date. During this time you will be expected to become established as active members of the Gloria Dei congregation. No plans should be finalized or announced until you have heard back from the Bishop. Gloria Dei Episcopal Church 3393 Route 23A P.O. Box 298 Palenville, NY12467 Service Times: Sundays at 9am Holy Days as announced The Rev. John E. Miller, Priest-in-Charge P.O. Box 12 Ancram, NY12502 Phone (518) 329-4562 Episcopal Diocese of Albany The Rt. Rev. Jeremiah D. Williamson, Bishop, |